
If you’re reading this, it means you’re super bored and now have resorted to reading the ramblings of a boring engineer. Or you’ve banged your head against a problem, and this is your last resort. Either way, I feel your pain and I welcome you.

About me? I’m just your typical guy who works in the programming industry. I easily forget what I’ve done in the past, so this blog is just my notebook (to remind myself of the idiotic mistakes I’ve made… so hopefully you don’t make the same mistakes)

My entries reflect the kind of work I do. I’ve worked at big companies like IBM and Amazon, but startups and building things from scratch are my passion. Currently in a stealth company I can’t talk about, but you’ll see the evolution of my tech stack with each post. I’ll jump from front-end/full-stack to backend to databases to AI. It’s really all over the place, but if you follow me, maybe we’ll both explore something new and interesting.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi

    I’m new to D3 and your sample, 2-Way Tree, is exactly what I was looking for. If possible, please, tell me how can I rotate all the things in way to have a left/right chart instead an up down ?


    • kanesee says:

      Hi Clovis,

      I’m glad you’ve found my 2-Way tree useful.
      It’s been awhile since I made this so I’m fuzzy on the details. I believe it was built off of (http://mbostock.github.io/d3/talk/20111018/tree.html) which is a rotated version of it. If you look at my code, there are a few places where I commented out the coordinates (e.g. size([h,w]) instead of size([w,h]), and [d.y, d.x] instead of [d.x, -d.y]). It may be as simple as uncommenting those and commenting out the ones next to it. I would start there and play around with it.

  2. Marisa says:

    Hi there! I have been really impressed with your posts on SageMaker on Github and I wanted to see what you use it for. I’m a member of the SageMaker team at AWS and I’d love to hear your story 🙂

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